Todos List

Todo List

A todos list feature on a website is a tool that allows users to create and manage a list of tasks or items that need to be completed. This feature typically provides a user-friendly interface for adding, editing, and deleting tasks, as well as setting due dates and priorities. Users can also mark tasks as completed or uncompleted, and may be able to sort or filter tasks based on various criteria, such as due date or priority level. A todos list feature can be particularly useful for individuals or teams who need to keep track of multiple tasks or projects and want to stay organized and focused.


Pomodoro Timer

A Pomodoro timer feature on a website is a tool that helps users manage their time more effectively by breaking their work or study sessions into smaller, more manageable chunks. The Pomodoro technique is a popular time management method that involves working in 25-minute intervals, followed by short breaks. The Pomodoro timer feature typically provides a user-friendly interface for setting and tracking work and break intervals, and may include audio or visual cues to indicate when each interval has started and ended.

Take a Note

Take a Note

A note making feature on a website is a tool that allows users to create and store short text-based notes or memos. This feature typically provides a user-friendly interface for creating new notes, editing existing ones, and organizing notes into different categories or folders. Users may also be able to add tags or labels to their notes, which can help with searching and filtering. Some note making features may also allow users to format text, add images or attachments, and set reminders or alarms for specific notes. A note making feature can be useful for individuals or teams who want to capture and organize ideas, reminders, and other information quickly and easily, and access them from anywhere with an internet connection.

Books Search

Search Books

A book search feature on a website is a tool that allows users to search for books by various criteria such as title, author, subject, or keyword. This feature typically provides a user-friendly interface for entering search terms, browsing search results, and accessing detailed information about individual books such as the cover image, description, and reviews.



A calendar feature on a website is a tool that allows users to view and organize events, tasks, and appointments on a digital calendar. This feature typically provides a user-friendly interface for adding new events or tasks, editing existing ones, setting reminders or notifications, and sharing the calendar with others. Users may also be able to view the calendar in different formats, such as daily, weekly, or monthly views, and may be able to color-code events or tasks for easy identification. A calendar feature can be particularly useful for individuals or teams who need to manage multiple events or tasks and want to stay organized and on track.

Tutorial Search

Search Tutorials

A YouTube tutorials search feature on a website is a tool that allows users to search for instructional videos on YouTube by using various criteria such as keywords, categories, or specific channels. This feature typically provides a user-friendly interface for entering search terms, browsing search results, and accessing detailed information about individual videos such as the title, description, duration, and views.